We have special prices for groups that you can benefit from if you introduce us to your company, association or group to which you belong.
Thanks to the Vistalaser Corporations service, different groups such as companies, trade unions, professional associations or sports clubs, among others, enjoy special conditions and rates with discounts of up to 50% on Vistalaser Ophthalmology services for their members.
To access these advantages you will have to show on your first visit something that accredits you as belonging to the group.
If your group is not among those adhered to the Vistalaser Corporations service, simply contact us with the head of management or human resources of your group to make the agreement.
This does not entail any commitment or cost for the company, you will benefit from the advantages of the agreement and we will provide your group with material such as leaflets, posters or HTML page for the intranet to help you spread the word about the agreement.
The price of the Femtosecond Lasik procedure can be lower than the usual price and includes all the revisions as well as the preoperative tests completely free of charge.