Ophthalmic Surgeons at Vistaláser Eye Clinics

Dr. Juan Luis García Madrona
Dr. Juan Luis García MadronaOphthalmic Surgeon
Degree in Medicine from the University of Seville. He specialized in Ophthalmology, obtaining the qualification of Excellent. He is a specialist in surgery of the anterior pole of the eye.

Registration number: 4116197

Dr. Luis Villalba Pinto
Dr. Luis Villalba PintoOphthalmic Surgeon
Registration number: 111109747
Dr. Francisco Zamorano Martín
Dr. Francisco Zamorano MartínOphthalmic Surgeon
Doctor specialising in Blepharoplasty with a solid background in oculoplastic surgery. He completed his residency in ophthalmology at the Regional University Hospital of Malaga, where he obtained an average score of 10 and was awarded the prize for the best resident in the province of Malaga. Subsequently, he completed a fellowship in oculoplastic surgery at the Instituto de Oftalmología Conde de Valenciana in Mexico City. He also completed a master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid focusing on advanced facial treatments. He is an active member of SECOP and ESOPRS, participating in congresses and specialised publications. In addition, he is one of only two Spanish ophthalmologists recognised with the Fellow of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, a European accreditation exam for oculoplastic ophthalmologists.

Registration number: 292912106

Dr. César Delgado Ceballos
Dr. César Delgado CeballosOphthalmic Surgeon
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada. He specialised in Ophthalmology at the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital. He is a member of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology (SEO).

Registration number: 183006878

Dr. Antonio Mérida Martínez
Dr. Antonio Mérida MartínezOphthalmic Surgeon
Registration number: 292907215
Dr. Eloy Díaz Claros
Dr. Eloy Díaz ClarosOphthalmic Surgeon
Registration number: 292906190
Pablo Boy Carmona
Pablo Boy CarmonaManager of Clinicas Vistaláser and optician-optometrist
Diploma in Optics and Optometry from the Complutense University of Madrid. Founding partner and current manager of the clinics Vistaláser Oftalmología.
Dr. Michel Cabrier
Dr. Michel CabrierDoctor en Cirugía Refractiva
Trained at the University of Montpellier. He has exercised his profession in France and Spain, developing an important professional trajectory. He is one of the pioneers of laser eye treatments in Europe.

Vistalaser Ophthalmological Clinics

Physicians and Opticians-Optometrists

Dr. Cristobal Moya-Angeler
Dr. Cristobal Moya-AngelerMedical specialist in visual health
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Malaga. In his professional experience he has specialized in health and visual hygiene, being a specialist in contactology and ocular refraction.

Registration number: 2909802

Sandra Figueroa McAngus
Sandra Figueroa McAngusNurse
Professional in Surgical Instrumentation. UDES. Diploma in Nursing from the University of Cadiz. Expert in surgical process nursing, anesthesia and resuscitation. Master’s degree in Ophthalmological Nursing from the University of Valladolid.
Fernando García Quijano
Fernando García QuijanoOptician-optometrist
Graduate in Optics and Optometry from the University of Granada. Postgraduate Master, Refractive Surgery and Cataract Treatment at the University of Valencia.
Mónica Simón
Mónica SimónOptician-optometrist
Diploma in optics-optometry from the University of Granada. Postgraduate, Master in Clinical Optometry and Visual Therapy at the Center for International Optometry (IOC Madrid).
María Lillo Moreno
María Lillo MorenoOptician-optometrist
Graduate in Optics and Optometry from the University of Murcia. Master’s Degree in Clinical Optometry from the European University of Madrid. Expert Course in Paediatric Optometry and Visual Therapy from the European University of Madrid.
Héctor A. Jiménez Ruiz
Héctor A. Jiménez RuizOptician-optometrist
Graduate in Optics and Optometry from the University of Granada. Specialist in contactology applied to the control of myopia.
Ana María San Millán del Pino
Ana María San Millán del PinoOptician-optometrist
Elvira Colmenero Reina
Elvira Colmenero ReinaOptician-optometrist
Diploma in Optics and Optometry from the Complutense University of Madrid, with a Postgraduate Degree in Refractive Surgery from the European University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Optometry.
Mercedes Bayona
Mercedes BayonaOptician-optometrist
Degree in Optics and Optometry from the University of Granada, assists in consultation and operating theatre.
Carmen Serrano Cabello
Carmen Serrano CabelloResponsible for Administration and Nursing Assistant
Senior Technician in Administration and Finance. Nursing Assistant in surgical area.
Maria Jose Joyanes
Maria Jose JoyanesResponsible for Administration and Patient Care
Degree in Economics from the University of Granada, Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Organization from the University of Granada and currently studying for a Master’s Degree in Tax and Accounting Consultancy and a Master’s Degree in Labour Consultancy from the Miguel de Cervantes European University and the School of Business and Development.
Alicia Trinidad
Alicia TrinidadResponsible for Administration
Francesca Claros Triviño
Francesca Claros TriviñoClinical Assistant
Ana Belén Pérez Sola
Ana Belén Pérez SolaClinical Assistant
Belén Chernicero
Belén CherniceroCustomer/patient care manager
Raquel Olmedilla Sánchez
Raquel Olmedilla SánchezClinical assistant and head of communication
Patricia González García
Patricia González GarcíaClinical assistant

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